Monday, November 5, 2012

Week 3 of Big Poppie's Micro Aquarium

    Week 3 was very exciting.

   The changes I have noticed since I last observed my micro aquarium is an explosion of organisms. Ken put some food in the aquarium and I could tell the difference.
   The numbers of organisms have increased a lot from the last observation.

   Have not seen any dead organisms yet. I will look harder for some dead stuff next week.

Anabena sp.                                            (Wolle)

This little guy took forever to find in the books.

  Raphidiophrys sp.                            (Patterson)

                                                   (Patrick & Reimer)

Wolle, Francis. "Fresh-Water Algae of the United States".Print. Volume 2.

"United States Environmental Protection Agency". Poster

Patterson, D.J. "Free-Living Fresh Water Protozoa". Print. p. 173. 2003

Patrick, Ruth & Reimer, Charles W. "Diatoms of the United States". Print, May 10, 1966. Volume 1.

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